
Not (but very) important

I'm guessing it's not news and people probably don't care, but to me this is important.

Rene Higuita, world famous goalkeeper who made this legendary save in a match..

..and who has also been a classic style icon for the last twenty years..

..has done something crazy. Some might say that he was already crazy because of some of this stuff..

..this man has obviously joined an extreme make-over show somewhere in South America and this is the result..

..some people might call it improvement. I say it's a tragedy!


Easytouse said...

It's a bloody, very bloody, shame, the world will never be the same, a kult has died!

Dilja said...

i will comment on the next post you will publish, ok?

Jo said...


And yes Easytouse. It is a dirty shame. What's next? Are they going to restore Micahel Jacksons face to normal? What a sick world.