
Photoshoot and cinematic experience

Rolf and I have delivered our written exam or project report and the 21st we're having our oral exam in Århus. We're leaving Amsterdam the 15th to celebrate May 17th in Bergen and Oslo.

These days we're preparing for our oral and trying to secure financing so that we can keep working on our project after we've finished the pilots. As a part of this we had a little photo shoot with Marit, Marit, Anna, Morten and Guro. Here are some excerpts.

Today Anna, Marit and I decided to go to the cinema. The film was Spiderman 3 - good stuff, highlight being the very nice and corny session in the middle where Peter Parker becomes cool. But the absolutely best part of the experience was the cinema itself. The Tushinski was built in 1921 and is pure Art Deco.

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