

Check out Exactitudes.com.

Quoted from the website:

Rotterdam-based photographer Ari Versluis and profiler Ellie Uyttenbroek have worked together since October 1994. Inspired by a shared interest in the striking dress codes of various social groups, they have systematically documented numerous identities over the last 14 years. Rotterdam's heterogeneous, multicultural street scene remains a major source of inspiration for Ari Versluis and Ellie Uyttenbroek, although since 1998 they have also worked in cities abroad.

They call their series Exactitudes: a contraction of exact and attitude. By registering their subjects in an identical framework, with similar poses and a strictly observed dress code, Versluis and Uyttenbroek provide an almost scientific, anthropological record of people's attempts to distinguish themselves from others by assuming a group identity. The apparent contradiction between individuality and uniformity is, however, taken to such extremes in their arresting objective-looking photographic viewpoint and stylistic analysis that the artistic aspect clearly dominates the purely documentary element.

Wim van Sinderen, Senior Curator Museum of Photography, The Hague


TED is evolving, but Kenny still beats Spennys ass

When I first started watching TED-videos a couple of years ago, video on the net still felt sort of fresh. These days picture and sound in harmony isn't necessarily enough, but TED still feels crisp and delicious.

On the other half of the intelligent input vs. plain old entertainment, Kenny vs. Spenny has had a little revival in my world. After briefly introducing it to Axel, Matias and Paul a friday while having some beers, the flame was lit again. We saw four episodes and only made it downtown at 2 am or something. Very worth it.

Blogging is back - for now

Facebook just takes less effort and more people view my profile than my blog. And it feels like this thing takes more time. But I sort of miss it, so I'll give it another shot.

Favtape is great. Play all sorts of music, find lyrics and videos. And make mixtapes.

Skype is no longer necessary after Google released their video chat.

It's really cold in Bergen.

Like Obama, Lincoln also loved hip-hop.