THE letterknife
Will there ever be an other letter knife?
More cool products on Greece is for lovers.
Merket med: design, letter knife, zeus
Paradise City
Thomas Hawk takes some great photos and this one brought me right back to San Francisco and Taylor street. The picture shows 'the crooked street' and a bit to the left, towards the top you can see my old home in SF. It's the square apartmentbuilding with a vertical line of lit windows.
Merket med: art, picture, SF, Thomas Hawk
Skate with me, work with me..
Nice little video here from Dgeneration - Skate with me.
And then..
I got my new phone last week, the Sony Ericsson W960i. I love the phone, but it doesn't really love my Mac.
Basically all the fancy office functions and the seamless syncronizing and transferring of music, pictures and video, isn't so seamless anymore. But at the same time it's so much hazzle to return it and everything, so I have decided to make it an arranged marriage and hope that they work out their differences and learn to love eachother.
Merket med: inspiration, music, music video, phone, SonyEricsson w960i
42 Below Vodka
Nice puppet-work. Delicious vodka. Funny series of commercials.
Merket med: 42 Below, advertising, funny, inspiration, New Zealand, puppet, vodka