
A Kaospilot indeed

I've finished my final written and oral exam at the KP and the only thing left before take-off is evaluation and the finishing ceremony on the 15th of June.

Cover of my final exam report on our project Innovation Battle

I wrote a little post on the last days at school on our friend-blog, den ytre sirkel. It's in Norwegian, but there's pictures if you don't get the language.


Photoshoot and cinematic experience

Rolf and I have delivered our written exam or project report and the 21st we're having our oral exam in Århus. We're leaving Amsterdam the 15th to celebrate May 17th in Bergen and Oslo.

These days we're preparing for our oral and trying to secure financing so that we can keep working on our project after we've finished the pilots. As a part of this we had a little photo shoot with Marit, Marit, Anna, Morten and Guro. Here are some excerpts.

Today Anna, Marit and I decided to go to the cinema. The film was Spiderman 3 - good stuff, highlight being the very nice and corny session in the middle where Peter Parker becomes cool. But the absolutely best part of the experience was the cinema itself. The Tushinski was built in 1921 and is pure Art Deco.


I want Weng as my wingman

My good friend Pouria sent this link to me on facebook and it's simply too precious not to share.

What a smooth little operator.

Queens day and wonderful visit

Canal stroll right by our favorite record shop

Thursday, Gaute and Lars came to visit. We walked the streets, admired the canals, shopped for clothes and vinyl and partied like it was ninteen freakin ninety nine. Just wonderful.
Card night

Morten and Rolf dancing while Lars is rocking the drums in the basement of some random artists fantastic apartment.

Due to some bad planning, communication and emergencies, both Gaute and Lars left before Monday which was Queens day. This is the day where all Dutch people dress up in orange, jump in their boats, drink all their booze, play all their techno music and are allowed to sell all their stuff on the street. Very Dutch, very crazy and one day per twelve months is plenty.
Yes, there is a canal there somewhere.